Cerebral Shangrila

Saturday, August 09, 2003


It was a very Shocking news when a few weeks back I read about the Sexual Assault case against Kobe Bryant , the Lakers NBA Superstar . Though I am not a big Lakers fan ( I prefer the Spurs / Mavs / Kings -- the Anti-Laker brigade ) , I have always been an admirer of Kobe. Potentially the only one in the Current NBA Circuit ( oh..wait ...Letz wait & see how LeBeron performs) who contends for the Throne of MJ , Its sad to see Kobe going the OJ way . Though I spent a few years in America , I could never fully comprehend the american views on Morality .

Kobe's Talent has never been in question , and his clutch plays in particular have saved Lakers from numerous embarassing defeats. He has always been a very shy , soft-spoken perfect Gentleman off the field & my first reaction to this news was "Et tu kobe "??


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