Cerebral Shangrila

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Carnatic Music

The Carnatic music festival must be in full swing at Madras now. I miss all that action here and has to be satisfied with just CD's & cassettes. My father has been the biggest influence in me taking an active interest in Carnatic music. I remember when I was 10 years old we had this Raga Identification cassette series and my dad would identify Ragas in a matter of seconds and I would be left wondering how the heck is that possible ? He has been listening to the December season concerts for more than 30 years now and has an amazing knowledge on that subject.

I never pursued carnatic music completely although the interest hasn't waned over the years.Whatever I know is mostly from Cassettes & CD's and also I never miss an occasion if there is a live concert around where I live. Hopefully I will start off my Violin lessons from new year & do well .


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