Cerebral Shangrila

Monday, December 22, 2003

TOI Vs HT - Farcical Game

Today's reports published by TOI (Times of India) & HT (Hindustan Times) Claiming themselves as No.1 in Delhi presents the most ludicruous battle in recent times. TOI claims to be No.1 from the NRS Survey while HT Claims to be the No.1 according to ABC (Audit Bureau of Circulation ) survey in which TOI hasn't participated.

It was disgusting to read the Chest thumping in TOI which claims itself as the Newspaper of the elite & Intelligent (when its actually not ) and their self-gloating.. I don't read the HT much to comment on it . Its unfortunate that such cheap journalism has become a common occurence in these days when India is emerging as the World's knowledge economy.


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