Cerebral Shangrila

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Politicians - Up Close

I was at the NDTV last weekend for " We the People" program. Got to see our Netas fighting it out over the mikes. No one arrived on time. Amar Singh arrived 45 minutes late and had the audacity to ask " Main tho chota aadmi hun , main aa gaya , aur log kidar hai ? ( Isn't false modesty a big vice in Urban India ? ) The Topic was " Has Brand Atal lost its sheen ? " . But the discussion meandered so far away from the topic , I was wondering how many politicians would get selected in a B-school GD if they attend one !

The most misused word in Indian politics is "Secular" . Congress projected the secular card and called all NDA Constituents non-secular . ( ADMK which is in NDA suddenly becomes unsecular because it has aligned with BJP , whereas when they were earlier with the congress they were secular ) . In the next elections when they join back with Congress they would become secular again. Does the Congress think its like Ganges , whoever dips in them becomes pure and Secular ( What crap ! ) . Why are the politicians fooling the poor minorities?

Politics is all about Money & power. Where are the ideals ? What Happened to great politicians like Kamaraj,Lal Bahadur Sastri ( The former a king maker and the latter resigned for a train accident) . Except for a few, the others won't resign even if sent to prison. Good people should not shy away from politics , because on politics rests our country's future.


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