Cerebral Shangrila

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Snake Charmers,Cows & Call Centers

First it were the Snake charmers & Cows . Now its the turn of Call centers. Any global business magazine, invariably has a story on India ( At least a story a month) . And the photo which adorns the story is the photo of a " Call center" or a " Call Center Worker" . Last heard, the snake charmers & cows were terribly unhappy that they have been dropped from that special privilege.

Come on. We recognize that IT Services & ITES / BPO is one of the fastest growing sectors in India but to tell the world that India is all about IT/ITES is a terrible crime. Let us walk away from that triteness.


  • good said, appreciatable market for Indians

    By Blogger ILA (a) இளா, at 1:18 AM  

  • Yeah, India is not all about IT etc, but you go to any big city and the general impression is that at least 2/5 of the population is working in one such setup.

    By Blogger Pooja, at 4:02 PM  

  • Ila, yes sir

    Pooja, I agree that most of them are But then don't we move in that society where our friends are restricted to people of same "profession" . For the press , there is so much more to write about . The Pharma,auto parts,Health tourism etc.. I am tired of the line " the low cost call center workers & code writers " ...

    By Blogger Cogito, at 12:23 PM  

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