Cerebral Shangrila

Thursday, March 03, 2005

B-Schools --- Bad for Business ?

The Economist asks a tough question . Are Business schools bad for Business ? Are the B-schools partially responsible for greed on the Wall Street ( The Enrons,Tycos,Worldcoms ..... ) ? Is there something fundementally wrong in some of the the concepts taught at B-schools ? (especially the " Agency Theory" -- Its assumptions)

As the academic credibility of B-schools are being attacked, the B-schools have reacted by adding Ethics courses into MBA Curriculum. I sometimes think this is like a chicken-egg argument . There is no perfect answer.


  • All in the game, kalai chevai pannava MBA, to develop a company, also themselves.

    By Blogger ILA (a) இளா, at 8:29 PM  

  • people inclined to cheat need not go to B-School ;)....blaming B-Schools for the problems is not right statement....

    By Blogger kaatss, at 11:43 PM  

  • D_U_D_E I just came across this blog, n u, n u have my blogz name !!!
    small world huh?

    By Blogger Lost in trance..., at 7:52 AM  

  • All,

    As much as I believe that both sides are to be blamed the sad truth is also that ethics amongst managers in declining day by day. Perhaps its a reflection of the decadence of the society and not MBA's in particular.

    By Blogger Cogito, at 11:57 PM  

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