Tamil Brahmins -- Have they been victimized by Dravidian politics ?
It was an open secret about which no one talked about . But the recent issue of Outlook has broached this taboo topic again. Outlook has two articles about how Tamil Brahmins (Tam-brams is perhaps the hep word which is more popular in cyberworld) have been hounded and bashed by the Dravidian parties over the last few decades. The first article talks about how they have lost their voice to protest and the second article is an interview with well known tamil writer Asokamitran where he compares Tam-brams with Jews ( Both communities faced immense wrath and castigation since the 1930's although brahmins thankfully didn't have to face an Holocaust).
The anti-brahmin,anti-hindi plank of DK & DMK has been a huge vote bank for them and no wonder their diatribe against brahmins still continues.
While some brahmins pride themselves on the community's intellectual prowess ( the oft quoted IIT-ian domination and Silicon Valley being the biggest Agraharam in the world) , the truth is that the reservation (69% against them in professional colleges) has made life very tough for the middle and lower class brahmins living in non-metros and rural areas to get a decent education.
I think the brahmin community has paid the price for decades of untouchability and other social evils they practiced long ago. The utter stupidity of caste based reservation is clear to everyone except the Dravidian parties.
Hence its in the best interests of the nation to forget the past and think about the future.
It was an open secret about which no one talked about . But the recent issue of Outlook has broached this taboo topic again. Outlook has two articles about how Tamil Brahmins (Tam-brams is perhaps the hep word which is more popular in cyberworld) have been hounded and bashed by the Dravidian parties over the last few decades. The first article talks about how they have lost their voice to protest and the second article is an interview with well known tamil writer Asokamitran where he compares Tam-brams with Jews ( Both communities faced immense wrath and castigation since the 1930's although brahmins thankfully didn't have to face an Holocaust).
The anti-brahmin,anti-hindi plank of DK & DMK has been a huge vote bank for them and no wonder their diatribe against brahmins still continues.
While some brahmins pride themselves on the community's intellectual prowess ( the oft quoted IIT-ian domination and Silicon Valley being the biggest Agraharam in the world) , the truth is that the reservation (69% against them in professional colleges) has made life very tough for the middle and lower class brahmins living in non-metros and rural areas to get a decent education.
I think the brahmin community has paid the price for decades of untouchability and other social evils they practiced long ago. The utter stupidity of caste based reservation is clear to everyone except the Dravidian parties.
Hence its in the best interests of the nation to forget the past and think about the future.
I guess their dues for untouchablity is still there and it will be there ...untill they change their attitude
1)Non brahmins are not allowed to perform poojas in temple ...so they to have their own 100 % reservation
""think the brahmin community has paid the price for decades of untouchability and other social evils they practiced long ago"" add the words ... for long time ....
so this time they are at receiving end...
Anonymous, at 3:56 PM
They are united only for speaking up their heritage etc ... when it comes team work they always pull each other leg may i call it us Selfishness.which quite common among all tam-brahmin ...
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM
In Simple words
Who thinks life is only made in
Anonymous, at 4:06 PM
Tam Brams most of them in the city they have all facilities to improve themselves, where as if a SC/ST in a village have less facilties to study and learn more. Govt allocation is for that everybody has to be improved. Only pity thing is that Tambrams has to compete with all the guys..
ILA (a) இளா, at 5:01 PM
Wow - 3 anonymous comments
Anon - 1 -
Who doesn't follow untouchability - during the tsunami tragedy - a fisherman village did not allow narikuravas to come inside their village - you know that?
Ask Mu.Ka to eat along with some one of a lower caste?
Can you think of a white priest taking a black mass, the same way a black priest taking a white mass, in the most forward USA ?
In TN, more than tam brams - others follow untouchability
Anon - 3 - so you say only Tam brams think life is made in US ?
Arun - The biggest advantage of jews - is the lobby they have - they have a very strong lobby both in wall street and hollywood - and they virtually run USA - sad part is as anon 2 said - there is no cohesion among tam brams and hence no lobby to put their point forth.
Srihari SN, at 5:32 PM
Pretty nice post, I completely agree with the blogger. I also think that Anon 1 has to grow up.....someday. We have!
Anon 2 - Every person on Earth is Selfish....wonder why Brahmin's selfishness alone shud be highlighted.
Anonymous, at 7:28 PM
" forget & forgive the past"..Think what is good for the nation . I don't think we need such petty caste discrimination and reservation between us anymore..
Live and let live.
Cogito, at 12:40 AM
Dude - sorry man - i totally accept with what you said - forget & forgive the past
Srihari SN, at 3:40 AM
Hi Mattet M this is for u ..
Ask Mu.Ka to eat along with some one of a lower caste? He has done this in past
Can you ask Kanchi seers to do the same ...atleast for photos
so you say only Tam brams think life is made in US ? Yes i do .
In TN, more than tam brams - others follow untouchability ->
Here what level is what it matters
Consider the states like UP,MP,Bihar were brahmins decide their CM compare them with states like TN,kerala,Maha ,kar where non brahmins decide their CM
Anonymous, at 3:25 PM
Some statistical complications in comparison ..Brahmins in TN are just 3% of the population as against a majority in North .
The US issue is really funny . of course my argument might be flawed since I am a Tam-bram myself.If there is a huge 69% reservation against me wouldn't it be common sense for me to find greener pastures ?
Cogito, at 6:36 PM
Brahmins in TN are just 3%....
If u want to develop 97% there is no harm in Sacrificing 3% ..
Since You are in that 3% the rest of 97 % cannot help you.
Every person on Earth is Selfish
Anonymous, at 12:04 PM
Brahmins in TN are just 3% of the population as against a majority in North ....
Thank god they are just 3%.
I am stopping with this.
Happy Tamil Newyear.
Bye Bye
Anonymous, at 12:16 PM
No comments . Thanks for the new year wishes .
Cogito, at 11:05 PM
Tamil Nadu and India is messed up because of caste based politics. This has lead to incompetent and insincere people in various critical government jobs which has lead to corruption and inefficiency.
Stop this dirty talks on Brahmins and Non Brahmins and do something productive for your community and your country.
Interestingly, Brahmins are genetically and racially intelligent and hardworking. That can never be questioned. While no one is superior over others, race/genes matter. Why is a "German Shepard" different from a "Dalmation"? We have this even in animals.
Live and Let live.
Anonymous, at 4:11 AM
From a posting by Professor George Hart in 1997 on Tamil, Brahmins, & Sanskrit: " ....here are some facts:
1. Brahmins are only 2% of the population, yet they have contributed much more to Tamil literature than their number would indicate.
2. The purest (i.e. least Sanskritized) Tamil was written by the medieval Saiva Brahmin commentators on Tamil. For example, Parimelazakar translates the yoga asanas into Tamil, and the only way anyone can figure out what he is saying is to read the sub commentary (by Gopalakrishnamachari), who gives the original Sanskrit terms. You will find no Tamil any purer than that of Naccinarkkiniyar et al.
3. Brahmins have contributed to Tamil from Sangam times. Kapilar is one of the greatest Tamil poets.
4. Yes, of course Brahmins have had their own political agenda to push. They have been responsible for many things that I feel are entirely unconscionable. But is this any different from the other high castes? I have heard many many stories of high non-Brahmin castes killing and abusing Dalits. You can't blame the Brahmins for this. In fact, the most pernicious example of the caste system was in the Tamil areas of Sri Lanka, where there are virtually no Brahmins and never have been.
5. You cannot blame the Brahmins for Sanskritizing Tamil. Tenkalai Aiyengars often use Tamil words where most non-Brahmins use Sanskrit ones. The Sanskrtization of Tamil is a very old process and cannot be understood except in an all-South-Asian context. The Bengali used in Bangladesh is highly Sanskritized, and the Muslims are quite proud of their language. The fact is, Sanskrit was the lingua franca of South Asia for intellectual purposes, much as Latin was in Europe. Buddhists used it, Jains used it, much as Spinoza, a Jew, wrote his philosophical treatises in Latin. The Tamil of Ramalinga Swamigal, a non-Brahmin, is highly Sanskritized.
6. Sanskrit and Tamil are part of the same intellectual and literary tradition. The fact is, Sanskrit literature owes an enormous amount to Dravidian -- much of its syntax, its literary conventions, vocabulary. When we come to the great kavya of Sanskrit (e.g. Kalidasa), it is definitely part of the same stream as Tamil literature, just as French, English and German belong to a Western European literary tradition. This is even true of Sangam literature -- it is clearly of the same cultural tradition as, say, the Sanskrit Mahabharata.
7. Tamil is richer because it has many styles. It is the only Indian language that has a pure, unsanskritized style (well, there is a pure Telugu, called accu telugu, which was cultivated mainly by Brahmins). This style is very rich, no doubt. But Tamil has innumerable other styles -- many dialects, a highly Sanskritized style, a style with many English words, etc. etc. All of these add to the richness and expressiveness of the language -- why impoverish the language by removing its resources?
8. ... a personal note from an outsider. Tamil culture has not suffered because of one group. It has suffered because of the caste system and because of its treatment of women... Let's promote inter caste marriage, let's get rid of dowry and give women independence and self-respect, and above all, let's avoid a victimization complex which only plays into the hands of those who have a vested interest in continuing the inequities that exist in Tamilnad. If every Brahmin were to disappear from Tamilnad, the Dalits and others who are exploited would benefited not one iota.
9. Please note that I am not pro- or anti-Brahmin. I am acutely aware of the negative role Sanskrit has played in the development of the Indian regional languages. Indeed, A. K. Ramanujan, a Brahmin, once told me that the worst things that ever happened to South India were Sanskrit and English. A slavish devotion to Sanskrit has had a negative effect on Tamil and, even more so, on other South Indian languages. But we cannot change the past. There is nothing inherently good or bad in a word, whatever its origin, so long as it has been adopted for general use in a language. What is bad -- and what I deplore -- is the mindless assumption that Sanskrit is somehow superior. It is not. Indeed, Sanskrit is a very limited language, because it has no spoken substratum. But where Sanskrit words have come into common usage in South India, they have acquired broad connotative powers that enhance the spoken languages that have borrowed them (much like Latin and French words in English). It is insulting to Tamil to claim that the language cannot borrow words without being corrupted. Tamil has a long, powerful tradition, and it is a very rich language. Judicious borrowing can only enhance, not spoil it..."
Anonymous, at 4:17 AM
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