Cerebral Shangrila

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Tiger Woods & Sachin Tendulkar

Tiger Woods won a major (Masters) after two long years and Sachin Tendulkar scored a Century almost after a year. Two totally unrelated events occuring at the same time have much more in common than we think.

Rohit Brijnath writes in The Hindu " These men evoke respect but no longer fear; they are still very good, on days brilliant, but that veneer of invincibility has a tear in it " . Nice Article .


  • Nice article and how true!
    Cudnt help feeling a li'l sad when reading it....its kinda evident...we have stopped worshipping them. They have become so human! Even when sachin is still in the team..we talk abt those good ol' days...the world is waiting for a new face , a new power and newer magic.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:25 PM  

  • Anonymous, Thanks. Yeah they have become "Human" from being " Superhuman" .

    Confused Soul, Seems to be happening Often. Mind reading huh !

    By Blogger Cogito, at 11:49 AM  

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