Cerebral Shangrila

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

3rd Trimester MBA Results

My 3rd trimester MBA results were out today. I got 3 A's & 2 B's (Total of 5 subjects). Predictably I have got A's in subjects for which I worked very hard during the trimester.This leaves with me just 4 more subjects and a trimester ahead of me.Somehow this time since I am in the midst of an intern/job hunt, the results didn't seem that important a news to me.

But the day of results is always a "buzzing " day. I had couple of SMS's and a few offline messages & emails (from classmates) announcing that the results have just been declared. The few seconds you spend connecting to the "online Results" website , leaves with you fleeting memory of the Profs ,your Class participation and written exam. Then you open the webpage and there you go. The countless hours of discussion,reading,arguments,written assignments,PPT presentations all get assigned an Alphabetic letter ranging from A to F.

Education isn't just an Alphabetic Letter , it lies beyond it.


  • NTU & results - Ha! My fingers used to almost tremble as I type my pin on that dreaded studentlink login! Still scary to think of those days..

    By Blogger Dinesh, at 2:55 PM  

  • Amazing .. Way to go !!!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:44 PM  

  • education is way beyond the letters of alphabets :)....good saying

    By Blogger kaatss, at 10:57 PM  

  • Education is beyond alphabets. 'coz Education was what ruined me.

    Education can ruin anyone - and I think a man makes himself {Education can't make him!!!}

    Hence, Education is beyond aphabets, in fact its beyond life - it has the power to ruin one!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:29 PM  

  • Well... that was me sorry cogito... as the goat - that's another profile for me into my biking and my latest love of my life.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:29 PM  

  • yes i still do not have the guts to see my own results. usually ask a friend to check it for me first.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:16 PM  

  • Congrats

    By Blogger AF, at 5:43 AM  

  • Thanks everyone !

    By Blogger Cogito, at 12:50 PM  

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