Cerebral Shangrila

Saturday, December 24, 2005

AI or IA

I shall be flying to chennai next month end (Jan end) . As always, its unbelievable what a little competition can do to prices. The Chennai - Singapore sector which has traditionally been a "high price" sector has seen prices tumbling ever since the private airlines started flying. Now, Air India (AI) & Indian Airlines (Btw, learnt that Indian Airlines has dropped the word Airlines and is now called just "Indian" ) offer great prices (S$565 for a round trip while Jet is a shade expensive at $600).

Any suggestions on which Airlines (AI or IA) to fly ? For now I have blocked tickets with IA. Also, Do let me know if there are some other good deals in the offing between Singapore - Chennai ?


  • you u can use my name & avail a chartered flight to India..;)

    By Blogger Hell's Angel, at 3:02 PM  

  • arun u can come by walk via burma assam kolkotha, no charges

    By Blogger தி. ரா. ச.(T.R.C.), at 10:27 PM  

  • I have no Idea about fairs from that side of the world. As far as you wanna get tickets from the Cacaus just lemme know ;)

    Btw. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

    By Blogger radiantbear, at 12:24 AM  

  • Hell -- If I use your name , will not even get a paper plane..

    appa -- Thatz not a bad idea..but don't blame me If I settle down midway in the lush N.E forests or fall for some dusky bengalis in kolkata..

    nanyaar - thx

    By Blogger Cogito, at 3:57 PM  

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