Cerebral Shangrila

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

India curtails blog access

Its a sad day for "freedom of expression" in India.The directive by the Govt (DoT ?) to ban access to popular blog sites such as blogspot.com isn't the right signal the world's largest democracy is sending to the world. India is and has always been the torchbearer of liberalism and freedom of expression ( Perhaps except during the brief emergency period).

The ban would not even serve the purpose of preserving national security ( If that is what is the reason cited). The internet is already full of tools and ways to bypass the ban. Trying to rein the internet isn't that easy in a democracy.

I hope good sense prevails and the govt rollsback its decision. As Noam Chomsky said, " If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all."


  • its crazy and displays a complete lack of common sense on the authority's part. by their logic, even emails should be banned then. pathetic and i frankly didnt think id see this day...

    By Blogger Abhishek Chatterjee, at 11:18 AM  

  • Indian Democracy is moving to autocracy... Media is misused.. Policies favour vote bank...

    Another Frustration topic !

    By Blogger Balachandran C, at 8:09 PM  

  • cool thing.....IT guys were spending too much working time on that(either reading or writing) misutilizing office resources, something has to be done this way :))

    By Blogger gormandizer, at 9:40 PM  

  • a year before Yahoo groups, now it is blog's, later it could mails. Jai Hind

    By Blogger ILA (a) இளா, at 1:16 PM  

  • Its a combination of limitation of technology,ignorance and sheer callousness about the impact of such a decision.

    By Blogger Cogito, at 9:42 AM  

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