///Please refer some friends. check out http://blogkut.com for more info///
I know that blogkut is completly fucntional... but did you realsie that by enlisting ( recommending) a blog to blogkut... the blog owner looses all rights to the contents he has posted in his blog... be it article - poetry- story - photograph - vedio etc etc...
Not sure.. take a look at one of the paragraph from their terms and condition Right to Use Blogs
If you provide weblogs, also known as blogs, to BlogKut, you hereby grant to BlogKut a nonexclusive worldwide royalty-free license and right to use, market, license, publish, reproduce, copy, distribute, sublicense and display such Blog and to use excerpts thereof in any manner on the Web Site. You agree that third parties may link to your Blogs and use, in any manner or medium, excerpts from your Blogs. Also Read This
Happy Diwali
Anonymous, at 12:30 AM
Blogkut is ready and it in on Demo state. Please refer some friends. check out http://blogkut.com for more info
Anonymous, at 12:31 AM
Happy Diwali!
ILA (a) இளா, at 5:18 AM
Thanks Ila, Venkat !
Cogito, at 10:39 PM
///Please refer some friends. check out http://blogkut.com for more info///
I know that blogkut is completly fucntional... but did you realsie that by enlisting ( recommending) a blog to blogkut... the blog owner looses all rights to the contents he has posted in his blog... be it article - poetry- story - photograph - vedio etc etc...
Not sure.. take a look at one of the paragraph from their terms and condition
Right to Use Blogs
If you provide weblogs, also known as blogs, to BlogKut, you hereby grant to BlogKut a nonexclusive worldwide royalty-free license and right to use, market, license, publish, reproduce, copy, distribute, sublicense and display such Blog and to use excerpts thereof in any manner on the Web Site. You agree that third parties may link to your Blogs and use, in any manner or medium, excerpts from your Blogs.
Also Read This
Anonymous, at 8:28 PM
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