Cerebral Shangrila

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A world away from iPhone

The story starts in a typical bollywood flashback......(Do you hear/see music and revolving lights?).......6 months ago...

It was one of those unusual days in Singapore when it rained cats & dogs early in the morning (As most Singaporeans know, rains are half-a-day workers, it only rains between 2pm-6pm in SG, as per the Govt's order). I got out of the bus, waiting for the rains to stop, so that I could cross the road to reach the office. Minutes passed by and there was no respite from rain. That is when I made the boldest move in my life ( Ok, second most bold move after you-know-what). I decided to hail a taxi that would take me to the other side of the road. I rushed into the taxi to avoid getting drenched, when it all happened. That beautiful wicked device they call the "iPhone" jumped out of my pocket and in a second fell into an open drain (not open for humans but open enough for iPhone). It took me a second to realize that my life had changed. It was all over. The gush of water swamped the phone and it was well on its way to join the Indian Ocean.

In Zandu balm style - " Poye Pochu" " Poyindhe"..."It's gone".

I suffered from "iphonophobia" for the next 3 days, jealously ogling every iphone user in Singapore (which is every other person in that country). Why does it have to be me? When compared to all those flashy folks, I didn't even have an iPhone 4. I never downloaded more than 5 apps / day. Why me?

A few days later, I realized the purpose behind this charade. It was god's way of rescuing me from the emotional hell of Apple and throwing me into the un-emotional heaven of Andriod. That story will unfold in Part 2...



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